Hello my dearest Reader,

Perhaps you'll think this website is strange but I admit I have to give you some clou.

I created this for my TPE (Travaux Pratique Encadré). And it is part of an exam called "Bac", in France. We have to choose a subjet, find a question and try to resolve it.

I chose: "What was Shakespeare's influence with his playwright "The Tragedy of King Richard the Third" over the collective imaginary and our contemporary authors?"

I discovered King Richard III and his story with the series The White Queen and I acknowledge I've always thought Middle-Age was borring, annoying but absolutely not !

I am French and I am not the best in english even if I do my best. I know there's several mistakes and I am sorry for that.

Moreover, you have to know this website isn't real. I mean, I created it for an exam, for fun but the informations are true, I hope. I just let my imagination wrote what people as Queen Elizabeth Wydville (Woodville for us) could say, thought, as this time.

You just have to appreciate and enjoy the moment.

Best regards,


Henry VI, back again on the throne

30th October 1470


           Today is a bad day. the third day of October, King Edward IV was not king anymore. Henry VI is know back on the throne of England.

Arm of Coat of
King Edward IV

            Queen Margaret who was exiled in Scotland and later in France was determined to go back in England and on the throne. Her and Warwick made a secret alliance and Anne Neville was pledged and betrothed to the heir of the Lancastrian Queen, Edward of Westminster. Warwick returned in England and restored Henry VI to the throne after the exile of our beloved last King Edward IV. But the mental estate of this king is unstable and Warwick and his son-in-law, Clarence who has lost his first baby in April, will rule in his name.

          Edward will probably raise an army in Burgundy, the place of exile of him and his brother Richard of Gloucester, still faith to him, to win back his kingdom. All Yorkist soldiers will fight for him and for his pregnant wife.


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