Hello my dearest Reader,

Perhaps you'll think this website is strange but I admit I have to give you some clou.

I created this for my TPE (Travaux Pratique Encadré). And it is part of an exam called "Bac", in France. We have to choose a subjet, find a question and try to resolve it.

I chose: "What was Shakespeare's influence with his playwright "The Tragedy of King Richard the Third" over the collective imaginary and our contemporary authors?"

I discovered King Richard III and his story with the series The White Queen and I acknowledge I've always thought Middle-Age was borring, annoying but absolutely not !

I am French and I am not the best in english even if I do my best. I know there's several mistakes and I am sorry for that.

Moreover, you have to know this website isn't real. I mean, I created it for an exam, for fun but the informations are true, I hope. I just let my imagination wrote what people as Queen Elizabeth Wydville (Woodville for us) could say, thought, as this time.

You just have to appreciate and enjoy the moment.

Best regards,


King Richard III and Queen Anne

6th July 1483


Queen Anne, King Richard III, Edward of Middleham


           Richard, Last Duke of Gloucester, has been made King of England ahead God. But this is by his own wishes he decided to make his Queen of England his beloved wife and partner, Lady Anne Neville, Last Duchess of Gloucester.

 Anne and her husbands

           The ceremony took place at Westminster Abbey and they shared a joint coronation. Anne Neville wore a kirtle and mantle made from 27 yards of white cloth-of-gold furred with ermine and miniver, and trimmed with lace and tassels of white silk and gold. Then the day ended with a magnificent banquet at which Richard was served on gold and Anne on gilt.

           A wonderful ceremony and coronation which will stay in our mind.


Your view point

Anne Neville,
Richard Duke of Gloucester

   Lady Elinor Selwyn; 31 ; Lady-in-waiting of Queen Anne

           Queen Anne was very pretty and noble during her coronation. I dare add her husband King Richard III insisted about a joint coronation and they were crowned together. Queen Anne, when she was married to Edward of Westminster, was destined to be a Lancastrian Queen but now she's a Yorkist Queen! Then her son sould be on the throne

Your enjoyement gives us a smile, and your convictions are a pleasure of hearing! Then you look truly faith to the king and the queen. 

    Sir Walter Froste; 47 ; Yorkist Soldier

           When I heard Last King Edward IV was already betrothed to an other Lady, I admit I wasn't surprised. You know as me how he was and how he liked women. I guess he loved beauty, that's why he made Elizabeth Wydville his queen, I suppose. King Richard III, when he was Duke of Gloucester, ruled the North with a great hand, and even if rebellions could happened, I am not afraid of the future. I'm sure he will rule England as well as he did in the North with his beloved Queen of England.

And God save the King and Queen of England! 


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