Hello my dearest Reader,

Perhaps you'll think this website is strange but I admit I have to give you some clou.

I created this for my TPE (Travaux Pratique Encadré). And it is part of an exam called "Bac", in France. We have to choose a subjet, find a question and try to resolve it.

I chose: "What was Shakespeare's influence with his playwright "The Tragedy of King Richard the Third" over the collective imaginary and our contemporary authors?"

I discovered King Richard III and his story with the series The White Queen and I acknowledge I've always thought Middle-Age was borring, annoying but absolutely not !

I am French and I am not the best in english even if I do my best. I know there's several mistakes and I am sorry for that.

Moreover, you have to know this website isn't real. I mean, I created it for an exam, for fun but the informations are true, I hope. I just let my imagination wrote what people as Queen Elizabeth Wydville (Woodville for us) could say, thought, as this time.

You just have to appreciate and enjoy the moment.

Best regards,


Leicester, Richard III Conference

3rd December 2013


          Hello my Dearest Reader! I am glad to tell you the University of Leicester and University Archaeological Services organized on 21, 22 and 23 February 2014 a conference about King Richard III and the discovery of his body under the car park of Leicester.

          This is an important meeting, that does mean we're interested about this king, about his life, his death and his last battle. Moreover, helped by The Richard III Society, the university and them will explain the differents steps of this dicovery and research. We remind you the University announed on 4th February 2013, these were the remains of King Richard III.
By Emma Vieceli,
Kate Brown, Paul Duffield.

Single ticket whole weekend
Couple, both attending all talks for the weekend
Couple, one attending all talks for the weekend
Local tickets (no accommodation)*

*Local tickets include both lunches, unlimited coffee and both dinners as well as the talks and trips. There will be a limited number of these tickets and they will be restricted to Leicester residents only.

More information here: 

            And this discovery inspired some artistes...

By Emma Vieceli with Kate Brown and Paul Duffield.

          I gave you by this way one of their pages which could help you if you need informations about his re-burial. ۞

"Questions about the re-interment
By John Aggs

Why do Richard’s remains need to be re-interred?

           Archaeologists always try to treat human remains with respect, even when they are so old that we don’t know their religion or their beliefs about death. Not all archaeologists feel that Richard III should be reinterred, because future developments in archaeological analytical techniques could eventually provide us with more information about this important find.[...]

Did Richard have a funeral when he was buried in the Grey Friars church?

           The Franciscan friars who conducted the burial would certainly have buried him with a proper, although perhaps minimal, funeral service using the Catholic rite of the time. Without this he couldn’t have been buried in the consecrated ground within the church building.

By John Swogger

Should Richard be re-interred with a Roman Catholic ceremony?

           Richard III has already been buried with a Christian funeral so the re-interment will not be a funeral service. Instead it will be a Christian service celebrating his life with partners from other faiths, including Roman Catholic. It will include the multi-faith and multi-cultural communities of Leicester and modern-day England.
           Richard III was king of England at a time before the Reformation, when the separation of what we now call the Church of England from what we now call the Roman Catholic Church took place.(...) All Church of England churches founded before 1537 were originally what we now call ‘Roman Catholic’, and are full of burials that were originally Roman Catholic. So, the fact that Richard III was Roman Catholic should make no difference for his reburial in a beautiful medieval church building that is now a Church of England cathedral.

Who needs to be consulted about the re-interment?

By Cabepfir
           According to the English Heritage/Church of England guidelines [۞], the relatives who need to be consulted are those who were close to the person and likely to have known them personally. Hence the accepted rule for burials over about 100 years old is that it is inappropriate to consult living relatives since it is unlikely that any of them will have known the deceased person personally. Archaeologists are, however, encouraged to be flexible around this 100 year threshold.
           Richard III left no direct descendants. There are a great many distant relatives of Richard III’s immediate family alive today, scattered all over the world. Since Richard III lived so long ago, none of these are close relatives. So in the case of Richard III, the only surviving relatives are very distantly related, none will have known him personally, and there are far too many (running into millions) to trace and consult all of them."

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