Hello my dearest Reader,

Perhaps you'll think this website is strange but I admit I have to give you some clou.

I created this for my TPE (Travaux Pratique Encadré). And it is part of an exam called "Bac", in France. We have to choose a subjet, find a question and try to resolve it.

I chose: "What was Shakespeare's influence with his playwright "The Tragedy of King Richard the Third" over the collective imaginary and our contemporary authors?"

I discovered King Richard III and his story with the series The White Queen and I acknowledge I've always thought Middle-Age was borring, annoying but absolutely not !

I am French and I am not the best in english even if I do my best. I know there's several mistakes and I am sorry for that.

Moreover, you have to know this website isn't real. I mean, I created it for an exam, for fun but the informations are true, I hope. I just let my imagination wrote what people as Queen Elizabeth Wydville (Woodville for us) could say, thought, as this time.

You just have to appreciate and enjoy the moment.

Best regards,


The Princes Go to the Tower of London

17th June 1483

Tower of London

          After the unexpected death of our beloved and greatest King Edward IV, his first born son Edward became the new King of England as Edward V.

          Edward was at Ludlow with his uncle Lord Rivers when he learnt that his father died on 9 April. His advent was announced in London on 14 April. Edward joined London on 4 may.

          Richard, Duke of Gloucester was designated as Lord Protector of the king. He will take care of matters of the Kingdom during the minority of Edward. Wydville's family are not very agree with this decision, they don't trust Richard, Duke of Gloucester. They are scared of losing their influence on the Kingdom. Elizabeth Wydville, Queen Mother, took refuge in Wesminster Abbey with her childrens, she is afraid for their lives.

          Indeed, Wydville's family is nowdays the ennemy of Richard. Then he accuses Elizabeth to conspire against him. It's why Lord Hastings was jailed, the duke accuses Hastings of plotting with Wydville's family against him because of Edward IV's loyalty. Richard doesn't want Wydville monopolizes the power by interest. Incidentally, Lord Rivers was arrested by Duke of Buckingham, a close noble of Richard, before the arrival of the prince in London on 4 May.

          On 19 May, Prince Edward took up residence on the Tower of London pending his coronation and yesterday his brother, Richard, joined him. Recently, his coronation was postponed...


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